The Little Free Library |
I like reading. I always have to have a book nearby to pick up when I feel like. There are times, though rare, when I may not read for days. But a book close at hand is a must. As I near the end of one book, the search for another begins and if I don’t find one it is a panic situation! I have a few staple stocks like P G Wodehouse and James Herriot for times like that and I might have already read them half a dozen times! I think I got the habit through my genes. Both my parents were compulsive readers. I have seen my father spend entire days in the library, even missing lunch. But for the few times that my mother was unwell and hence unable to hold a book, I have never seen her without a book by her side. Since I talk so much about books and reading, please do not mistake me for a scholar. I am only a reader, my reading is light and I can never quote even a line from the books that I have read!
Since I like to read, I always have my antennae open to locate libraries. The City Central Library of Banglore provided most of the books that I have read. I was also a member of the British library in Bangalore which provided, apart from recreational reading, professional books. The small library of technical books, meant for the students in professional colleges, run by the social service cell of Canara bank was another one of which I was a member.
We spent most of our summer vacations in Mysore, in my uncle’s place. His house in itself was a library, and was close to Manasa Gangothri, the headquarters of (once famous) Mysore University. I remember having spent many happy reading moments in the University Library at Manasa Gangotri. When I came to Goa on employment I was surprised to find a reasonably good Village library at Canacona, Goa. Since the Librarian did not have knowledge of English, I had the pleasant task of choosing the english books from the list provided by the supplier and I made the most of it.
Right now, I am a member of the taluka Library in Ponda, which is quite good and also the Central library in Panaji, which is comparable, or in fact better in some ways, than some of the libraries I have visited here in US.
I like the atmosphere of a library. I like the cosy feeling which almost all libraries have and the silence. I like the presence of other book lovers sitting and enjoying their reading. I may compare the difference between reading alone and reading in a library to listening to music with a ear phone and being present in a concert. I don’t know if the comparison is right.
So much about libraries came out because I was happy to see this tiny out door library of the Little Free Libraries.Org, when I was walking through the Northville downtown. It is a small bird house like thing containing some books. Not locked. No caretaker. You take a book out if you like one and return when you are done. You may put your own books for circulation too. I think a similar one is being tried in one of the parks in Panaji, Goa. Apart from nourishing the reading habit, I think it also inculcates a sense of sharing, honesty, civic sense and responsibility etc in the children who use it. I understand that about forty thousand such libraries have been installed across the world in places where people are interested in such activity.
Now to add some more material to this post : Came across the Chrysler Museum at Auburn Hills, Michigan unexpectedly. We had driven my son, who was on crutches, to his office to attend to some urgent work and had about two hours to explore the surroundings. Saw the museum next to to Chrysler headquarters. Not as big as the Ford museum but good enough. Some pictures of the museum followed by some good nature pictures taken by my niece are below.
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The First Car Of Chrysler |
Chrysler is supposed to have been an accomplished worker. The wooden tool box is said to be a gift to him from one of his carpenter friends.
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A Chrysler Beauty |
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Fallen leaves creating a pattern on the grass |
Another lake in the vicinity |
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A tree in full bloom (of leaves) |