Saturday, February 15, 2025

Experiencing goodness 2

Few days back, I wrote about the ‘pavwalah’. I had mentioned experiencing

the ‘good’ side of people. Here is the second. 

Mrs Sharma is a patient of mine. She has been one for a long time. Her standard

complaint is that she has an ‘irritation’ in the gums. Her gums irritate her and

she in turn irritates me ! If I cure her gum irritation I can get rid of my irritation

but it is yet to happen. 

She will call me for an appointment. I suggest,

“Ten thirty on 22nd, Thursday”.

“Oh, no doctor. I have a wedding to attend on 22nd.” 

“Ok, then.  Please make it on 23rd evening 5pm”

“23rd I have an appointment for my eye check up doctor.”

“Ok 24th if you please”

“My daughter’s exams start on 24th, doctor. I have to drop her and pick her up”

“Then make it the 20th”

“20th is Amavasya doctor, I am fasting and I also have to go to the temple”.

“Ok madame, you tell me when it is convenient to you”

She will mention a date which will be our weekly holiday. I reject that and again

it will be my turn to suggest.  After this elaborate exercise, we fix a date two weeks

ahead.  She will call me ten days before the appointment to confirm the date again,

then a week before and three days before. On the day before the appointment,

she will call and say “so sorry doctor, I have some urgent work at our native place

regarding a property and will be out of station for sometime. Can we make another

appointment ?”  I tell her to call me after she is back in Ponda and her ‘gum irritation’

would temporarily be forgotten. It would surface once more when she sees my face

somewhere once again. 

I have known Mrs Sharma for more than twenty years and she did make it to my

clinic a few times. I suggested some remedies to clear her ‘gum irritation’ but

none of them have been put into effect. If she meets me, the ‘gum irritation’ is

remembered and the above process starts all over again. So, I try to hide my

face and change lanes whenever there is a chance meeting. 

I tried to heave her off to my son after he became a dentist and then to my

daughter in law after my son married another dentist. Both of them very cleverly

told the lady that what she has is an old problem and it is better treated by

old people who know her and her problem well.  And they have put her back

on my turf. 

I was in the supermarket two days back. I had only three items in my hand.

Mrs Sharma was at the billing counter - next in line to the one whose billing was

going on. I tried to duck my head and rush past her to the next counter. All the

counters were busy with people having truckloads of purchases. Mrs Sharma saw

me and called out “oh doctor, come, come here”. She had two loaded baskets with

her. I pointed to her baskets and said that I was in a hurry and can’t wait long. And

there were already two more customers behind her.  “No, no. You don't have to wait.

You go next”. She pushed her baskets aside, told the people behind her that she

was letting me go ahead and made way for me. “Please come. You only have

three items”.  

I thanked her and the counter clerk entered my purchase. It was Four hundred and

six rupees. I handed a five hundred.  The clerk searched in her box for change,

gave me a hundred and asked “Sir, do you have six rupees?”. I did not have it and

said that I would get it from my car parked a little away. I keep some coins in the car.

Mrs sharma interfered. “No, doctor, you go. You don't have to come back”. She

opened her purse saying “I have lot of change here”, she handed six rupees to the

clerk and turned to me again  “You go doctor, people may be waiting for you. Don't

bother about this six rupees”.  

It was very very nice of her. Mrs Sharma is not an irritation any more ! 

Experiencing goodness - 1

It is common to see selfishness, intolerance, arrogance and such harsh

qualities around us every now and then. When we experience good behaviour,

it feels like a very refreshing change. But we forget it fast. I had two such

experiences in the last two days and am writing about it so that it remains

in the mind a bit longer. 

The ‘pav walah’, who makes and sells bread, starts his rounds at half past

five in the morning. He comes in front of my house around half past eight. 

When I hear his air horn in the back street, I go down and wait in front of

my house for him. 

He is a busy man and he is always in a rush. I heard his horn yesterday and

went down with cash in my hand. I had to wait longer than usual for him to arrive.

He came rushing on his bike, stopped abruptly in front of me and said

apologetically “doctor, pav is over. There were many customers today and

I have run out of my stock”.  

He started his bike and as I turned to go back, he stopped again and asked

“have you been waiting for long ?”  I said  “Yes. Nearly twenty minutes.”

“Oh”, he said. “I feel very bad that you have to go without pav after waiting

so long. But wait, don't go in. Can you wait a bit longer ?” I said “yes”.  

“You just be here”, he said, “I will go to the market and buy pav for you” and

without waiting for my reply he started off. 

He returned in less than ten minutes, handed me a parcel and said “Now I feel better.

I felt very bad that you waited for me and had to go back empty handed.

It won't bother me any more” saying that, he zoomed away, without waiting

for me to pay him !  

I will have to stop him again tomorrow, thank him for his kindness and

pay him for the bread !