Day 1 : Tiger Woods crashes his car onto a tree near his house. Car damaged. Tiger intact. Photograph of Tiger and his crashed car.
Day 2 : Tiger Woods confesses that he cheated his wife. Photographs of Tiger, wife and ‘Woh’.
Day 3 : Tiger Woods offers five million to his wife as compensation. (for what?)
Day 4 : Details of Tiger’s SMSs to his girlfriends. (There are two now)
Day 5 : Tiger Woods is worried that photographs of his activities may become public.
Day 6 : Tabloids make ‘quote your price’ offer to anyone who can provide photographs and proof of ‘sexploits’.
Day 7: Long list of Tiger wood’s ‘Woh’s and their photographs. Tiger offers 80 million to his wife for remaining ‘married’ to him. (Ten million per girl friend?)
Day 8 : Ten girl friends and a mother-in- law who is ill. Details of m-in-law’s illness etc etc. Associated rumours.
All this is front page news in all our national dailies and ‘breaking news’ on our channels.
No, I am not disgusted with Tiger Woods’ activities. It is his personal matter. I am disgusted with our interest in his activities. What is Tiger Woods? Accepted that he is great with his golf clubs and made billions so as to be able to pay millions in compensation when caught. But, of what consequence is he to our life?
If he is of no consequence and if the whole thing is his personal business, why did I read all the details, see all the clips and maintain a log? Well, that is what I am unable to understand. There is no doubt about my feeling towards the importance that is being accorded to this affair. It IS disgusting. Then? Do I read all this because the papers publish it and channels keep breaking it? or is it the other way round? I have no answer.
I read somewhere that we addictively watch soaps and movies because in our subconscious we yearn to do things that the characters in movies and serials do. Since we can’t behave like them in our real life, we gain satisfaction by watching them on the screen.
Is it the same here?
I don’t like the inference.
If Blogger had a "like" option the way Facebook does, i would have selected it for this blog :))
Since it does not...i have to say it in words: I like!! (as much for the fact that it has updated my general knowledge as because it makes me ask the same questions about my curiosities)
amen. why do i care. i know its his business, but i also know the "details". i agree that being nosy creates either a distraction from my own boring life or gives me the thrill of expressing opinions free from ever having to experience their lives.
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