Proshtheeshavigraha sunishteevanoddhata vishishTaambuchaari jaladhe
loshTaantaraahita vicheshTaaghamaugha parameshTiditatvamavamaat
preshTaarkasoonu manu cheshTaarthavaatmavidateeshTo yugaantasamaye
stheshTaatma shringadhrita kaashTaambuvaahana varaashTaapadaprbhatano
(You, who is) In the form of king of fishes Proshteesha - proshti + eesha
= Fish having a spout + King/Lord, (Proshti can be sub divided into
Pra+ ushti meaning spouting water) Vigraha = Form, Suneeshtivanodhdhata
= 1. sprouting great mass of water mixed with air, (‘udhdhata’ is upwards,
like what a whale does) 2. And it also means, ‘(he) who has a great heaving
agitated ocean, 3. also can mean, agitating the ocean (like child’s play),
Vishishta ambuchaari jaladhe = containing the great (vishishta) ocean
creatures (ambuchari). But god himself can be decsribed as vishishta
ambhuchaari = moving effortlessly in the water and the only one remaining
till end ie pralaya. And the adjective Jaladhe may also mean, (he who is)
sea of kindness, sea of strength, sea of ananda etc etc.
Koshtantarahita - koshta+antara+ahita = ( Koshta =stomach, antara=inside,
ahita= placed) Keeping in your stomach, Vicheshta= undisturbed,
Aghamaugha - agama + ogha + = cluster of all agamas, holy scriptures ie,
the vedas (and) parameshti=brahma, idita=worshipped (being worshipped
by Brahma) tvam+ ava + mam = you + protect +me.
Preshta + arka+ sunu+ manu = very dear + sun + son + Manu, cheshtaartha -
cheshta + artha = activites + for the sake of , atmavit - atma+vit = atma + know
about, ateeshto - ati + Ishto = very + dear, yugaanta+ samaye = end of yuga + at
the time of, stheshta = unperturbed, atma shringha = horn of paramaatma
himself, Dhrita = supported/supporting, kaashthaambuvaahana - kaashtha+ ambu +
vaahana = wooden+water + carrier, Varaashthapradaprabhatano - vara +
ashthaprada + prbha + tano = the best + golden+ radiance/brilliance + body.
You, in the form of a great fish, moving effortlessly in the heaving ocean,
spouting water and air into the sky and also agitating the other great ocean
creatures and the ocean itself, keeping the agamas un disturbed within you,
and being worshipped by Brahma himself,
You, who is very dear to ‘aatmagnaani’s and who is always unperturbed, and
who, for the sake of continuance of the activities at the end of the yuga by the
son of sun, Manu, who is dear to you, used your own horn in the body which is
radiant like the best of gold, to keep stable, the wooden carrier (boat) - you
protect us.
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