Saturday, May 18, 2019

Godse, Gandhi and us.

Kamal Hassan stated :  “Nathuram Godse was independent India’s first terrorist”.  
Stupid of him. He is a good actor but that’s about it. He doesn’t know the difference
between an assassin and a terrorist. His statement should have been ignored.
But we have a tendency to attach some value to every thing our stupid celebrities utter.

Sadhwi Pragya reacted : “Godse was a patriot”.  Personally, I don’t find anything wrong
in her statement. That is HER opinion.

I read that BJP forced her to apologise for making that statement. I can understand.
Here, votes are involved. One phase of election is still pending. There are voters
whose fingers may shift to other buttons on hearing a BJP person speaking in
support of Godse.

Now what is surprising is our PM getting wild and saying “can’t forgive Pragya for
Godse remark”. Does he really mean it ? I was under the impression that he has
better mental abilities.  Or, did he make that statement with the pending phase of
election in mind ?

Gandhi is a great man. Agreed. We call him father of our country and revere him.
Right. And he deserves the respect and reverence. But can’t someone - Godse in this case
- for whatever reason - hate Gandhi but love India ?  

Why are we mixing up things?

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