Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dashavatarastuti - Vadiraja - Vamana 10

Dhyaana + arha - worth meditating up on, fit to be meditated upon,
Vaamana + tano - dwarf (Vamana) + Having body of , Natha = Lord,
Pahi = protect, Yajamana + asura + eesha = Leader, Presider (presiding
over the Yagna) + Demon + King, Vasudha = Earth, Adanaa + ya = take
back + to, Yaachanika = one who is begging, asking for, Leenaartha = hidden,
inner, sweeter meaning Vak + Vashita = Oratory + Under control, Naanaa = Many,  
Sadasya = members of assembly, Danuja = demons, Born out of Danu.

Meena + anka =  fish + sign (on flag) ie Manmatha, Nirmala =  Clean, clear, pure,
Nishaa + naatha = Night + King ie moon, Koti = Crores,  Lasamana = Radiance, Beauty,
Aatma + maounji + guNa = (on) Body + waist + Thread Kaupeena = Loincloth,
 Achcha + Sutra = Pure, Sacred + thread, Pad + yaana = Legs + Moving ie Walking,
Atapa + tra = Sun + protecting ie umbrella, Karakaa = kamandala, Vessel to carry
water,  Anamya = worth bowing before, Danda + Vara = Stick + Great,Supreme,
Bhrit = Possessing, Carrying.

In the guise of a seeker, taking back the earth by sweet talking the king of demons,
Bali and taking under control all members of his assembly by oratory, having the
body of dwarfish Vamana, worth meditating upon,

With the radiance and beauty surpassing crores of ‘Manmatha’ who has fish sign on
his flag, and lord of night ‘Chandra’, king of night, and having a thread around the
waist, wearing a loincloth and the sacred thread, moving on the feet, holding the
umbrella, the water vessel and carrying the supreme power stick - danda (which is )
worthy of prostrations, Lord, (you) protect (us).  - 10


muthu said...
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vidya said...
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