Sunday, January 4, 2009

two posts to start 2009

I have my own reasons in placing our compound gate, a little away from where it is expected to be. The placement conceals it a wee bit. Those who visit our house for the first time assume that the gate will be close to the main door which is quite visible. They are perplexed when they fail to locate it with ease. They wonder if they are expected to climb over the compound wall. They conclude that though they can not vouch for the owner’s mental status it can not be as bad as to expect the visitors to climb over the wall to get in. Having come to that conclusion they look around and finally locate the gate. Then onwards things are straight forward. After coming in, they mention their confusion to my wife. When I hear, “I am so sorry, it is just ONE of my husband’s many stupid ideas. I did tell him that the gate should be in the front. He wouldn’t listen to me. Now, you see it is a challenge to search and locate that gate. He should stick to dentistry and try his stupid ideas there. He feels that he is better than all the architects and this is the result” in one breath, I am sure that the latest entrants to our house have missed the gate.
Yesterday there was one entrant who found the gate easily and did not make any comments about the odd location of the gate.

Cow finds the gate easily and does not comment on the odd location.
If the gate is open it comes in. does not wait for an invitation.
It does not ring the bell and wake you up from your afternoon siesta.
You don’t have to wonder what to offer at such an odd hour. It finds what it wants and eats.
It eats all the hibiscus plants which were worm infested and saves you from spraying insecticides and pruning.
It gives back what it ate, in the form of organic manure and spreads it all over the compound. It is eco friendly.

Some people (for ex: my wife) do not appreciate the virtues in the cow. They blame the cow for trespass, destruction and messing up of the garden and blame me for leaving the gate open (apart from placing it in what they consider is the wrong position). There are all sorts in this world.

I am cynical about “Happy new year”. I feel the end of one January- December cycle and beginning of another is no reason to rejoice. As far as I am concerned, the new year is no different from old year. That apart, I accept all the new year greetings with thanks and convey my greetings in return. I do not intend spoiling other’s mood and hurting sentiments. But some of the greetings which camouflage things do irritate me.

One phone call received two days back. “Very happy new year doctor. I just called to convey my wishes. By the way, I had taken an appointment for the day before yesterday but could not make it. Can we fix it for tomorrow?” this was from a lady who had already ruined my two hours, by taking and missing two appointments of one hour each, earlier, and was hoping to ruin the third but trying to make me feel happy about it.

SMS received this morning at 11.30. From a person, who was expected to make full payment for the treatment done till date, at the last appointment -today. - Wish you happy new year dear doctor. I think I had an appointment today at 10 am. I forgot about it. I will call later for another appointment. Best wishes again.


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