dhanvantarengaruchi dhanvantareritaru dhanvantaribhavasudha
bhaanvantaraavasatha manvantaraadhikrita tanvantaraushadhanidhe
danvantarangashugu danvantamaajishuvi tanvan mamaabhdhitanayaa
sunvantakaatmahrita tanvantaraavayava tanvantaraartijaladhau
‘Dhanvantare’ = A way of addressing dhanvantari roopa of god, Anga = body,
Ruchi = radiance Dhanvantare = Sun (he who creates ‘Dhanu’ the rainbow)
Ari = enemy, Taru = tree/plant, Dhanvan = desert (making the plants, called enemies,
dry away as a desert does) Tari = boat, Bhava = become, Sudhaa = ‘amritamaya’,
Bhaanu = Sun (bhanu is sun, Sudhabhaanu ie very pleasant sun, or one having
very pleasant rays, ie, moon) Antara = inside, Avasatha = residing
(chandraantargata roopa) Manvantara = different ‘manvantaras’, Adhikruta = presided,
Tanvantara = (having) body of different from (body, different from our materialistic body)
Aushadha = medicines, Nidhe = wealth of , essence of, (being in and making it -
medicines - effective)
Danu = mother of danavas, Antaranga = heart , Shuk = shoka, sorrow, Udanwantam =
ocean (udu+anwanta = containing water), Aajishu = battlefield, Vitanwan= (one who is)
making it happen, Mama = me, mine, Abdhitanayaa = (daughter of sea) Lakshmidevi,
Sunu = son (Manmatha), Antaka = killer, Atma = (here it is) mind, Hrit = take away,
Atanu = (tanu means lean, atanu is, not lean) full, Antara = inner, Avayava = body parts,
Tanvantara - Tanu+Antara = another body (vishnu was distributing nector is dhanwantari
form and at the same also appeared as Mohini, another form, hence, tanvantara)
Aarti = deep sorrow, Jaladhau = ocean.
Having a body radiating brightness like a sun (god is brighter than sun, but since humans
know sun as the brightest, here he is compared to sun), (You) who is, to your enemies,
what a desert is to trees (meaning making them whither away), who is residing in
Dhanwantari form within the moon, who takes, by own wish, different forms in different
manwantaras and who is the essence which makes all medicines effective
(in dhanwantari form)
Who, while in the battlefield, creates an ocean of sorrow in the heart of ‘Danu’,
mother of danavas (by destroying danavas), who took away (rattled) the mind of
even the killer of the son of the daughter of sea (Son of Lakshmi devi) manmatha,
shiva, by the full form of your inner organs in Mohini form, You be the boat to take
me across my ocean of deepest sorrow. (samsaara).
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