Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dashavatara Stuti - 11 "Dhairyambudhe Parashucharyaa..."

Dhairya + ambhude =  Courage + Ocean,(ocean of Courage) 
Parashu + charya = Axe + put to work, by working, Adhikritta = Cut to pieces, 
khalavarya - extremely wicked, avaneeshwara - avani + eeshwara = earth + lords,
meaning kings, kshatriyas,( An ocean of courage, who has cut extremely
wicked kings to pieces by the working of his axe) 
mahashaurya - (this pertains to parashuraama) very courageous,
abhibhuta - destroyed, cast aside, kritaveerya atmajaata - born off Kritaveerya,
(his son kaartaveeryaarjuna), bhujaveerya - strength of his shoulders,
avalepa nikara - avalepa + Nikara = Arrogance + heap of, lots of,
bhaaryaa + aparaadha + kupita + aarya = wife + crime + enraged + father
(father enraged by the crime of his wife) aagnaya - as per the orders,
galita  = cut off, nari = female, lady, aatmasu - one who gave birth,
Nari+atmasu = Lady who gave birth, meaning, mother, gala = neck,
taro = tree (cut it off like a tree), kaarya = work or please do
(this is to be taken in context with the last line - amita mayi daya)
aparaadha = crime, avichaarya - without bothering to think (if it is a crime),
aryama - sun, ogha - group of, jayi - surpassing, veerya = Valour,
amita - unfathomable, infinite, mayi = to me,   daya = Mercy 

You, who is an ocean of courage, whose axe cut to pieces extremely wicked
kings, who has great valour, who destroyed  son of kritaveerya - kaartaveeryaarjuna,
(who was) extremely arrogant because of his strength, who, as ordered by the
enraged parent, cut off the mother’s head like a tree, not waiting to consider if it
was a crime to do so, who surpasses many suns in brightness and valour, have
 endless mercy upon me.        

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